Wht is clssical realism

 Wht is clssical realism 

The term classical realism  first appeared  as a  description  of literacy  style, as in an 1882  criticism   of Milton's poetry . It's  usage  relating  to the visual arts  dates  back to  atleast  1905  in a reference  to Masaccios  paintings . It  originated  as the  title   of a contemporary   but traditional  artistic  movement  with Richard  lack . The term  classical  realism  was first used  in the  title   of that  exhibition   classical  realism  the other  twenticth  century  . The term  classical realism  was originally  intended   to describe  work  that   Combined   the fine  drawing  and design  of the  European   academic  tradition  as exemplified   by Gerome with  the observed   colour  values  of the  American  Boston   tradition  as exemplified  by Paxton. 

classical  realism  

Basic features 

1) Conflicts between   states were  inevitable  in international  politics   because  there was  no  international  regulatory  authority  to curb  conflicts  and wars 

2)  The law  of politics   is rooted  in human nature  which is self seeking  , self -interested  and power- loving 

3) The concept  of interest  defined  in terms  of power  makes  politics  autonomous  because  the concept  of power  can  help  to analyse all kinds  of politics   adequately. 

4) Ethics  in international   politics   is political  or situational  ethics  and therefore  sharphy  opposed  to private  morality. 

5) Aspirations  of a  particular  state  cannot  become  the  governing  law of the  universe.


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