Neo realism and Classical realism

 Neo realism and classical realism 

During  the 1960  and 1970s the 2nd and  great debate  of international  relations   occurred,. Following   the behavioral   revolution   scholar  began  to place   a new emphasis  on creating  a more empirical   methodology  for analyzing  international  relations  . Neo  realists  scholar criticised  how classical  realists  scholar  had created   methodologies  which lacked  the standards  of proff  to be considered   scientific theories.  Classical   realists  had emphasized  human nature as the primary  form  of explaining  the international  system   .Neo  realists  emphasized the international   structured   instead  . Kenneth  waltzs  theory  of international  politics  was a  critical  text  in this  debate  as it  argued  that international  anarchy  was a  core  element  of international  politics. After this Era  classical realists  doctrines   became  less  prominent  in favour  of Neo realism.


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