What is french revolution

 What is french revolution :------------------

Biggest  event   that  effected   emergence  of discipline  was French   revolution   which  itself  was influenced   by enlightenment  philosophy . It  led to  replacement  of old feudal  system   with a  new  one . Ideals of democracy  liberty   and fraternity   became  new watch  words . But  they didn't  come easily and the old  system  resisted stiffly.  

The French  revolution   which erupted  in 1789  marked  a turning  point  I the  history   of human  struggle  for freedom  and equality.  It changed  the political structure  of European  society. It put  an end  to the age  of feudalism  and ushered  in a new order  of society  . It replaced   the age  of feudalism  by heralding  the arrival  of democracy.

 The French society   clergy   religious  priests   who Lived  a luxurious   life. No taxation  on church's  property. 

The second  estate  nobility  nobles   of swords  and nobles   of robes  .Nobles  of swords  were big  landlords  who  Lived  as parasite  life  on the  hard  working  peasants.  Nobles  of  the robe  were aristocrats  whose rank  came from holding  certain   hereditary  judicial  or administrative  posts. 

The third estate Commoners  rest of society  including peasants  artisans  merchants  etc . The  condition  of peasants  was miserable. 


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