What is the commercial Revolution
What is the commercial Revolution
The commercial Revolution refers to a sries of events between 1450 to approximately 1800. These events signaled to a shift from the largely subsistence and stagnant economy of medieval Europe to a more dynamic and World wide system .The commercial Revolution in this sense signified the expansion of trade and commerce that took place from the fifteenth century onwards . It was of such a large scale and organized manner that we call it a Revolution . This expansion was as a result of the initiative taken by certain European countries to develop and consoliate their economic and political power . These countries we're Portugal, Spain, Holland, and England, one of the important features of the commercial Revolution was the growth of banking . Credit facilities we're expanded , making it easy for merchants all over Europe to do business . The cheque was invented in the eighteenth century . Paper money came to replace gold and silver coins . Growth of companies as trade and commerce expanded , new kind of business organizations had to be devised to cope with this Growth regulated companies arose in the 16th century . These we're association of merchants who bonded together to cooperate for a common venture.