What is neo realism

 What is neo realism 

In the contemporary World,   the threat   of war  is more  fearsome  than actual  war . For the  neo realists , the structure  of the  system   and it's  relative  distribution  of power  are the focal  points  of analysis .

States which  are more  capable  than  others would control international  politics .

Neo realists  are sceptical  about  the impact  of globalization  throughout  the world .

The neo libarel  claim that   economic  interdependence  of  the world  has made the nation  state  a minor  player  in  international   Affairs  is not  tenable.

The neo liberal  claim  that only  free market  economy  can achieve  sustained  growth  is not TRUE.

Despite anti statistics  there is  no serious  rival  to challenge  and replace  te state  in international  relations .


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