What are the four features of the Soviet system class12?
What are the four features of the Soviet system class12?
The Soviet system was introduced in many East European states . They adopted the Soviet economic and political system .They formed the second world or the Socialist bloc . They were the members of the Warsaw pact 1955. The Soviet Union was the leader of this Socialist Bloc.
The Soviet Union or the ussr Union of Soviet Socialist Republics emerged as a great power after the second world war . The Soviet economy was highly developed and it would compare with the US economy .The positive features of the Soviet economy were as follows
1) The ussr had a huge communication network and most energy resources which included oil, iron, and steel,
2) IT had large scale production and a huge transport sector. The entire country was well connected.
3) It's domestic consumer industry produced everything from pins to cars .
4 ) The Soviet system ensured minimum standard of living for all citizens
5) The Soviet government provided all basic necessities including health, education, child care and other welfare schemes at minimum cost
6) There was no unemployment
7) The Soviet state owned and controlled land and productive assets.