What is Hans Morgenthau's classical theory of realism?

 What is Hans Morgenthau's classical theory of realism?

Answer:---The six principles   are 

1) The first principles  of  political  realism  holds  that politics,  like society's  in general  is governed  by objective  laws  that have  their roots  inhuman  nature.

2) The mster key  and the core  of Morgenthaus  Realism  is its second principles . This  principle  holds that  nations  always  define  and act  for securing  their national  interests  by means of power .

3) political  realism  believes  in the universal  validity of the  concept  of interest  defined  in terms of power . The policies  and actions  of a nations  are always  governed  by national  interests . The idea  of national  interest  is the essence  of  politics  and is unaffected  by the circumstances  of time  and place .

4) Abstract  Moral  principles  cannot  be applied  to politics. 

5) Difference   between   Moral  Aspirations  of a  nation  and universal Moral  principles. 

6) Morgenthau  political  realism  accepts  the autonomy  of international  politics   as a discipline . On  the basis  of the  above  five principles  .It is assertained  by Morgenthau  that there  exists  a real  and profound  Difference   between   political  realism  and the other  approaches  and theories. Political   realism  has its  distinctive  intellectual  and Moral  attitude  towards  political matters . It maintains  the autonomy  of the  political sphere.


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