What is the simple definition of enlightenment 1715-1789

 What is  the simple  definition  of enlightenment  1715-1789

The enlightenment period  marked radical  change  from  the traditional thi king  of feudal   Europe  . It  introduced   a new way  of thinking . Individuals  started  questioning  each and every  aspect  of life  and nothing  was considered   sacrosanct  from the  church  to the  State  to the authority  of the monarch  and so on .

The roots  of the ideas  such as  the belief that  both  nature  and society   can be studied  scientifically,  that  human  beings  are essentially  rational  and that  a society   built  on rational  principles  will make  human  beings  realize  their  infinite   potentials  can be traced  in the  development   of science and commerce   in Europe  . It  led  to intellectual   development   of European   society  .

During  18th century   European   had entered  the age  of  reasons  and rationalism . Some  of the major  philosopher   whose  ideas  influenced  the people  of the time  were  Montesquieu ,  Voltaire,  Rousseau,   Adam Smith,  js Mill etc .


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