
Showing posts from August, 2024

What were the Main reasons for the french revolution

  What were the Main reasons for the french  revolution   1)  Intellectual   development  in France  . Montesquieu   separation   of  power  locke  inalienable  rights  Voltaire  (fos) Rousseaus (social  contract  ) 2)  Bankruptcy  of the french  government  because  of extra vangance and American  war  of independence  . This  led the  king  to impose  a tax  on  everyone  irrespective  of their  social status  3) This  imposition  of tax  led the  rich nobles   and the clergy   to demand   a meeting   of the easte   general   . In the meet   unlike   the earlier  practice the representatibɓve  of the third  estate  wanted  ALL THE ESTATES  TO meet  and   and vote  as one assembly  but  the first  two estates  did not agree  to this  4) Their refusal   led to the formation  of the national  assembly  members  led  by their  leaders  Bailey   went to the  next building which was  an  indoor  tennis court. It was here that  they took  an oath  to draw  a new   Constitution  for France 

What is french revolution

  What is french revolution :------------------ Biggest  event   that  effected   emergence  of discipline  was French   revolution   which  itself  was influenced   by enlightenment  philosophy . It  led to  replacement  of old feudal  system   with a  new  one . Ideals of democracy  liberty   and fraternity   became  new watch  words . But  they didn't  come easily and the old  system  resisted stiffly.   The French  revolution   which erupted  in 1789  marked  a turning  point  I the  history   of human  struggle  for freedom  and equality.  It changed  the political structure  of European  society. It put  an end  to the age  of feudalism  and ushered  in a new order  of society  . It replaced   the age  of feudalism  by heralding  the arrival  of democracy.  The French society   clergy   religious  priests   who Lived  a luxurious   life. No taxation  on church's  property.  The second  estate  nobility  nobles   of swords  and nobles   of robes  .Nobles  of swords  were b

What was Voltaire idea of enlightenment

  What was Voltaire  idea of  enlightenment :--------------- A franch  philosopher   advocated  religious  toleration   and freedom  of speech  . He also  stood  for the  rights  of individuals , for freedom  of speech and expression .

What was Rousseaus idea of enlightenment

  What was Rousseaus  idea of  enlightenment  ;------- Rousseau   wrote  in his book  the social   contract  that  the people  of a country   have the right  to choose  their sovereign  . He   believed  that people  can develop   their   personality   best  only  under   a government   which is of  their  own choice . This  period  witnessed  a dramatic  change  in the mental status  of people . Society   started  thinking  more pragmatically. 

What was locke idea of enlightenment

  What was locke  idea of enlightenment  An English man  advocate  that every  individual  has certain  rights  which cannot be taken  by any authority  . These  rights  were  right to life , right  to property,  and the right to personal freedom, . He also believed  that any  ruler   who took away  these rights  from  his people  should  be removed   from the seat  of power  and replaced  by another ruler who  is able  to protect  these rights .

What was montesquieus idea of enlightenment

  What was montesquieus idea  of enlightenment. In his view  the spirit of the law  held  that there  should  not  be concentration  of authority   such as  executive   legislative   and Judiciary  , at  one place . He believed   in the  theory   of the separation  of powers  and the liberty  of the individual. 

What is the simple definition of enlightenment 1715-1789

  What is  the simple  definition  of enlightenment  1715-1789 The enlightenment period  marked radical  change  from  the traditional thi king  of feudal   Europe  . It  introduced   a new way  of thinking . Individuals  started  questioning  each and every  aspect  of life  and nothing  was considered   sacrosanct  from the  church  to the  State  to the authority  of the monarch  and so on . The roots  of the ideas  such as  the belief that  both  nature  and society   can be studied  scientifically,  that  human  beings  are essentially  rational  and that  a society   built  on rational  principles  will make  human  beings  realize  their  infinite   potentials  can be traced  in the  development   of science and commerce   in Europe  . It  led  to intellectual   development   of European   society  . During  18th century   European   had entered  the age  of  reasons  and rationalism . Some  of the major  philosopher   whose  ideas  influenced  the people  of the time  were  Mon

What is copernican revolution

  What is copernican revolution  The first major   break  from  the entire system   of ancient  thought came with  the work  of the Dutchman , Nicholas   copernicus . It was  generally   believed  that the  earth was  fixed  or stationary  and the  sun🌞  and other  heavenly  bodies  moved  around it  . (This is known as  a egocentric  theory) .  copernicus  however   thought  otherwise . With  the help  of detailed  explanations,  he demonstrated  that the  earth  moved  around fixed sun . (This  is a heliocentric  theory) in a nutshell   since  in the Renaissance  period   was marked  by a new  attitude   towards  man and nature .  Natural  objects   became  the subject  of close  observation  and experiment .It put  humanism  at the center  of all activities  . It  propagate   idealogy   of modernism . It proved  stimulus  to intellectual   development. , rationalism,  and empiricism and change  orien̈tation.

What is renaissance

  What is renaissance  The renaissance   was a period   in Italy  Europe   from the  14th  to the 18th century  regarded   as the cultural   bridge  between   the middle   ages  and modern   history . The renaissance   period  saw the  beginning   of the scientific   Revolution  . Visual Art Art  literature   and science   all flourished  . A scientific   approach  to nature  and the  human body  became  prevalent  .  Which  explored  the  smallest  details  of nature  and human body. Medicine   Dissection  the human  body  became  acceptable . Doctors   and psychology   directly  observed  how the  human  body  was constructed  . The field  of autonomy  psychology and pathology  thus  benefited  greatly.  Chemistry   A general   theory  of chemistry   was developed  . Chemical   processes  like oxidation   reduction   distillation  amalgamation  etc  were studied  Navigation   and astronomy  Vasco  da  gama   reached   the  Indian  shores  in 1498  .Columbus  discovered   America   in

What are the negative features of the Soviet system

  What are the negative  features of the Soviet  system  The Soviet  system  had  , however  , the  following  drawbacks.  1) The  Soviet  system   was highly  bureaucratic  and authoritarian.  2) IT was not  Democratic  . It  was  rather  highly  centralised . 3)  The Soviet citizen  had no freedom  of speech  and expression.  4)  The one party   system   had tight   control over all institutions . The Bolshevik  Party  was not accountable  to the people. 5)  The party even  did not  allow  the Union  republics  to manage  their own  Affairs  including  cultural  affairs.  6)  Russia  was one of the  fifteen  Union republic  that formed  the Soviet  Union,  but Russia  dominated everything.  The people of the  Union republics  were neglected  and oppressed. 

What is the commercial Revolution

  What is the commercial  Revolution The commercial  Revolution   refers   to a sries   of events  between  1450 to approximately  1800.  These  events  signaled  to a shift  from  the largely  subsistence  and stagnant  economy  of medieval  Europe   to a more  dynamic  and World wide  system  .The  commercial   Revolution   in this  sense  signified   the expansion of trade and commerce that took place  from the fifteenth  century  onwards  . It was  of such  a large  scale  and  organized  manner  that we call it a Revolution  . This  expansion   was as a result  of the  initiative   taken  by  certain   European   countries  to develop and consoliate  their economic  and political   power  . These countries   we're  Portugal,  Spain, Holland,  and England, one of the important   features  of the commercial  Revolution   was  the growth  of banking . Credit   facilities  we're expanded  ,  making it  easy  for merchants  all over Europe  to do  business  . The cheque  was in

What is the emergence stage sociology/ The emergence of sociology in Europe

 The  emergence  of sociology  in Europe  Sociology  is the youngest  of the recognized  social sciences .The emergence  of sociology  is often  credited  to the sudden   changes  occurred in late 18th century  and 19th century  in Europe 🇪🇺 Founding  father's  of sociology  1)August comte 1798- 1857 2) Herbert  Spencer 1820-1903 3) Emily Durkheim  1858- 1917 4)  Karl  Marx  1818-1883  Lived  in this Era  of profound upheavals  in European  society . These  changes  encompasses  almost  each dimension  of the  life of society . Be  it economoics  , politics,  culture,  August  Comte  in Freance  coined  the word sociology  in his  positive philosophy  published  in 1883 .He believed  that a science  of sociology  should be  based  on systematic  observation  and classification  not on authority  and speculation  .The word  sociology  is derieved  from the  Latin word  societus  meaning society   and the Greek  word  logos  meaning study or science . Thus  the etymological  meanin

What are the four features of the Soviet system class12?

  What are the four  features  of the Soviet system   class12? The Soviet  system   was introduced  in many   East European   states . They adopted  the Soviet  economic  and political  system  .They  formed  the second  world or the Socialist  bloc  . They were  the members  of the Warsaw pact  1955.  The Soviet   Union  was the  leader  of this  Socialist  Bloc. The Soviet   Union   or the ussr  Union of Soviet  Socialist  Republics  emerged as a great  power after  the second  world war . The Soviet  economy  was highly   developed  and it would  compare with  the US economy .The  positive  features   of the Soviet  economy  were as  follows  1) The  ussr  had a huge  communication network  and most  energy  resources  which included oil, iron, and steel,  2) IT  had large scale  production  and a huge  transport  sector.  The entire  country was  well connected.  3) It's domestic  consumer  industry  produced  everything  from pins to  cars . 4 ) The Soviet  system  ensured  mi

What is Hans Morgenthau's classical theory of realism?

  What is Hans Morgenthau's classical theory of realism ? Answer:---The six principles   are  1) The first principles  of  political  realism  holds  that politics,  like society's  in general  is governed  by objective  laws  that have  their roots  inhuman  nature. 2) The mster key  and the core  of Morgenthaus  Realism  is its second principles . This  principle  holds that  nations  always  define  and act  for securing  their national  interests  by means of power . 3) political  realism  believes  in the universal  validity of the  concept  of interest  defined  in terms of power . The policies  and actions  of a nations  are always  governed  by national  interests . The idea  of national  interest  is the essence  of  politics  and is unaffected  by the circumstances  of time  and place . 4) Abstract  Moral  principles  cannot  be applied  to politics.  5) Difference   between   Moral  Aspirations  of a  nation  and universal Moral  principles.  6) Morgenthau  political

Political economy of complex interdependence

  Political Economy  of complex  Interdependence  The complex  relationship   promoted  in complex  interdependence   ca be observed  in the international   political  economy. As Globalism  matures , the political  economics  of the  world grow  interdependent . This perspective  assume  that the global  system  is complex  that  states behavior  in this  system is rational . That global relationship  continue   to grow  in relevance   and the  system   of international  political  is not closed .All of this complexities  surmises   in the uncertain   environment  of international  politics.  States that  partake  in this  system   hold  economic  connections  with  other  economic , promoting  interdependence  between  participating  states . The emergence  of complex  interdependence  has  created  dependency  among states , as  the liberals  theorists  described  . Yet   the realist  take  on power  can be  displayed   through   the economic  imbalance  experienced   among states 

Neo realism and Classical realism

  Neo realism and classical realism  During  the 1960  and 1970s the 2nd and  great debate  of international  relations   occurred,. Following   the behavioral   revolution   scholar  began  to place   a new emphasis  on creating  a more empirical   methodology  for analyzing  international  relations  . Neo  realists  scholar criticised  how classical  realists  scholar  had created   methodologies  which lacked  the standards  of proff  to be considered   scientific theories.  Classical   realists  had emphasized  human nature as the primary  form  of explaining  the international  system   .Neo  realists  emphasized the international   structured   instead  . Kenneth  waltzs  theory  of international  politics  was a  critical  text  in this  debate  as it  argued  that international  anarchy  was a  core  element  of international  politics. After this Era  classical realists  doctrines   became  less  prominent  in favour  of Neo realism .

What is neo realism

  What is neo realism  In the contemporary World,   the threat   of war  is more  fearsome  than actual  war . For the  neo realists , the structure  of the  system   and it's  relative  distribution  of power  are the focal  points  of analysis . States which  are more  capable  than  others would control international  politics . Neo realists  are sceptical  about  the impact  of globalization  throughout  the world . The neo libarel  claim that   economic  interdependence  of  the world  has made the nation  state  a minor  player  in  international   Affairs  is not  tenable. The neo liberal  claim  that only  free market  economy  can achieve  sustained  growth  is not TRUE. Despite anti statistics  there is  no serious  rival  to challenge  and replace  te state  in international  relations .

Wht is clssical realism

  Wht is clssical realism  The term classical realism  first appeared  as a  description  of literacy  style, as in an 1882  criticism   of Milton's poetry . It's  usage  relating  to the visual arts  dates  back to  atleast  1905  in a reference  to Masaccios  paintings . It  originated  as the  title   of a contemporary   but traditional  artistic  movement  with Richard  lack . The term  classical  realism  was first used  in the  title   of that  exhibition   classical  realism  the other  twenticth  century  . The term  classical realism  was originally  intended   to describe  work  that   Combined   the fine  drawing  and design  of the  European   academic  tradition  as exemplified   by Gerome with  the observed   colour  values  of the  American  Boston   tradition  as exemplified  by Paxton.  classical  realism   Basic features  1) Conflicts between   states were  inevitable  in international  politics   because  there was  no  international  regulatory  authority  t

Regional war in the middle east /The killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh

The killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh: A series of violent events over the past week have taken the Middle East closer to the brink of all-out war. The latest of these was the killing, on 31 July, of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas’s political wing and a high-level guest of the Iranian government, in the Iranian capital Tehran on the day of the  new Iranian president’s  inauguration. The attack on Haniyeh leaves the region awaiting the retaliation that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has promised and reportedly  greenlighted . While Israel has not officially claimed the hit, it has given every indirect  indication  that it was the author. Separately, a day before the Haniyeh operation, Israel struck and killed a top Hizbollah commander, along with several civilians and a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, in a Beirut suburb where many of the Iran-backed organisation’s supporters live. Clues to how Iran will respond may be found in the unprecedented barrage it unle

Soviet Union

  Soviet  Union The toppling  of the Berlin  Wall in November, 1989  marked  the  end  of  the  Cold War. In  1961  east Germany  built  the Berlin  wall  separating  East from west Berli. The Ber wall was the greatest  symbol  of the  Cold War.  It's toppling was a dramatic  event  as it  marked  the end of the Soviet  Union  and also the Cold War.  The end of the Cold War   witnessed the disintegration  of the Soviet Union,  the collapse  of the  East European   Communist  bloc (Second World), and unification of  Germany  in late 1990,  all of which  changed  the map  of Europe.  With the end of  the Cold War  and the disintegration  of the Soviet Union,  the Warsaw  pact  also met it's doom. The  bipolar international system ended , and the  US remained  as the only  super  power  in contemporary  World politics .  Dramatic  changes  took place  in the eight  East European  Communist  countries --Albania,  Bulgaria,  Czechoslovakia,  East  Germany,  Hungary,  Poland,  Romani

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 features:

 GeneralModels: ----- Tab S9, Tab S9+, Tab S9 UltraOperating System: Android 13 with One UI 5.1 DisplayTab S9: ----------‐--------- 11-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 2560 x 1600 resolutionTab S9+: 12.4-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 2800 x 1752 resolutionTab S9 Ultra: 14.6-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 2960 x 1848 resolutionRefresh Rate: 120Hz Performance Processor:-------------------------  Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for GalaxyRAM: 8GB or 12GB (varies by model)Storage: 128GB, 256GB, or 512GB (expandable via microSD up to 1TB) CamerasTab S9:-----------------------  Rear 13 MP, Front 12 MPTab S9+: Rear 13 MP + 8 MP ultra-wide, Front 12 MPTab S9 Ultra: Rear 13 MP + 8 MP ultra-wide, Dual Front 12 MP Battery Tab S9-----------------------:  8,400mAhTab S9+: 10,090mAhTab S9 Ultra: 11,200mAhFast Charging: Yes, up to 45W Other Features---------------------------------- S Pen: Included, supports low latency and air actionsIP68 Rating: Water and dust resistanceAudio: Quad speakers tuned by AKG, Dolby Atmos support

Is kamala harris from Indian origin

first term Democratic Senator from California, Harris had launched her presidential campaign in January 2019. After initial few months, her campaign could not take off and by the end of the year, she withdrew from the race. Early this year, she endorsed Biden for presidency and during the primaries and pre-primary season, she did not have a good relationship with Biden. The two often clashed including the one CNN debate last year. The two leaders appear to have mend their ways in the last few months. Biden started appreciating her skills. Harris raised millions of dollars for Biden campaign. Daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, Harris has known many firsts. She has been a county district attorney; the district attorney for San Francisco - the first woman and first African-American and Indian-origin to be elected to the position. She was also the first female African-American and Indian-origin to become California's attorney general. Harris became the first Indian-ori

History of soviet union

 The creation of the Soviet Union marked a profound transformation in world history, shaping the 20th century's political, economic, and social landscapes. The journey from the Russian Empire's fall to the establishment of the Soviet Union is a complex tale involving revolutions, civil wars, and ideological battles. This narrative will delve into the key events, figures, and ideas that led to the Soviet Union's formation. The Fall of the Russian EmpireThe Decline of the Tsarist Regime:‐---‐-----‐ By the early 20th century, the Russian Empire was plagued by deep-seated issues. The autocratic rule of the Tsars, economic backwardness, and social inequalities created widespread discontent. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and World War I further exacerbated these problems, revealing the weaknesses of the Russian military and economy. The 1905 Revolution---------- The first major crack in the Tsarist regime came with the 1905 Revolution, triggered by Bloody Sunday, where peace

When did the Soviet union start

  The creation of the Soviet Union marked a profound transformation in world history, shaping the 20th century's political, economic, and social landscapes. The journey from the Russian Empire's fall to the establishment of the Soviet Union is a complex tale involving revolutions, civil wars, and ideological battles. This narrative will delve into the key events, figures, and ideas that led to the Soviet Union's formation.The Fall of the Russian EmpireThe Decline of the Tsarist RegimeBy the early 20th century, the Russian Empire was plagued by deep-seated issues. The autocratic rule of the Tsars, economic backwardness, and social inequalities created widespread discontent. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and World War I further exacerbated these problems, revealing the weaknesses of the Russian military and economy.The 1905 RevolutionThe first major crack in the Tsarist regime came with the 1905 Revolution, triggered by Bloody Sunday, where peaceful protesters were massa