What were the results of french revolution

 What were the results of french  revolution

Declaration  of rights  of man by  constituent  assembly  (1789 to 1791 ) comprising   the members  of the  third estate   and some  libral  minded  members  of the  others  two estate  guranteed  freedom  of speech  , freedom   of religions  and freedom   from arbitrary   punishment. It abolished   the special  rights  and privileges  of the clergy  and the nobility.  The king  was no  longer   to rule  by divine  right. According   to this  Declaration   all men  were  born  and remain  equal  before   law .  They have a right  to choose  their government  and resist  oppression  . Personal  liberty   becomes   a right given to all  individuals . Thus  the ideas  of liberty   fraternity  and equality  put an  end  to the  age of  serfdom  despotism   and hereditary  privileges  found in  the old  feudal  society. 


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