What is the Industrial Revolution?

 What is the Industrial Revolution?

It began  around  1760 ad  in Egland . The foundations  of modern  industry's  was  laid by the industrial  revolution , which began in England  in the late 18th  and early  19th  centuries . Materials  and social  developments  are  understood  in the  form of  arrival  of industrial  revolution  and growth  of capitalism. Modernity  and industrial  re gave birth  to factory  system  of  production  led  to emergence  of middle class  and dismantling  of feudal  estates . These developments  not only  had  certain  positive.  Outcomes  they also  had many  negative fallout  as well ..

 In Europe   especially  England the discovery  of new  territory  exploration  growth  of trade  and commerce  and the consequent  growth  of towns brought  about an  increase  in demand  for goods . Earlier  goods  consumers  items like cloth, etc , were  produced at  domestic  levels.  This means that  there existed  a domestic  system  of production.  With increased  demands  goods were  to be  produced  on a large scale  . It brought   about  greate  changes  in the social  and economic   life  of the people first in England,  then in other countries   of eur  and later  in other  continents. 


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