What is the most significant important part of the Industrial Revolution?
What is the most significant important part of the Industrial Revolution?
The condition of labour a new population earning their livelihood by working in the factories arose . In the factories ЁЯПн arose . In the early year this this working class Lived in poverty and squalor. They were socially deprived system. This made them a powerful social force .
Sociologists recognized that the poverty of this class of workers is not natural poverty but social poverty . Thus the working class became during the nineteenth century the subject of both Moral and analytical concerns.
The transformation of property capital became important during the industrial revolution . The investment in new industrial system came to be recognized . The feudal landlords became less significant while the new capitalists gained power. Many of these new capitalists were the erstwhile landlords .
Urbanization accompanied by poverty and increasing crime rates .
Technology and the factory system
Surveys of social conditions
Emergence of nuclear family system
Bilogial theories of evolution
Scientific approach to the study of society
Judge the social institutions on the basis of reasons
Influence of enlightenment thinkers
Auguste comte who is also known as the father of sociology argued that the methods used in physics should be used for the study of society . He gave sociology it's name identified three stages of human society . Theological various terms various phenomena were explained in religious term metaphysical explanation were philosophical and positivism phenomena were explained in terms of the scientific approach to the social world ЁЯМО