Summary of human security

 The concept of human security  has been  evolving over a period of time .While  earlier  the focus  was more in the personal rights  for the people  the emergence  if modern  democratic  government's and the concept of security  has focused more in favour common man .From the  earlier time  to the end of second  world war  security  was based on  territorial  integrity national sovereignty and protection of people  from external aggression  But after  the end of the war  and the emergence  of the united  nations  organisation he concept  if security  moved  away  from this  though  not rejected .The concept  united nations  general assembly  declaration  of human rights  aimed  at making  common  people's life  more free  and safer  and healthier .The Vienna declaration  in human rights  and programme  of action  has given  enormous  rights to the people the her 1994  came out  with a very  significant  contribution  by Dr Mahbub ul  haq in  the introduction of human security. He introduces  the security  concept  to give  a special  place to common  people and safety  of their lives  leading  to economic security  good security  health security  environmental security. Personal security  community security .


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