food security global problam
FOOD SECURITY A GLOBAL PROBLEM Food security is a potential predicament to the world at this time. Today we are facing a challenge to provide the inexpensive, sustainable, and nutritious food to the fast-growing world’s population. Food security is a contrary term to food insecurity. It includes a wide range of fundamental food issues. It is quite difficult to state precise definition of food security.Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The food security and nutrition security are undoubtedly closely linked to each other, but yet they have differences. The world has agreed that food security is basic but it doesn’t necessarily provide you nutritional security. But these two terms cannot be separated from each other because both of them are part of each other. All proposed definitions of food security are appli