food security global problam


Food security is a potential predicament to the world at this time. Today we are facing a challenge to provide the inexpensive, sustainable, and nutritious food to the fast-growing world’s population. Food security is a contrary term to food insecurity. It includes a wide range of fundamental food issues. It is quite difficult to state precise definition of food security.Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The food security and nutrition security are undoubtedly closely linked to each other, but yet they have differences. The world has agreed that food security is basic but it doesn’t necessarily provide you nutritional security. But these two terms cannot be separated from each other because both of them are part of each other. All proposed definitions of food security are applicable for nutrition security only if households are consuming food up to their dietary requirements. Definitely to achieve a nutrition security, we have to achieve food security first. There is no possibility to achieve nutrition security without achieving the food security. However nutrition insecurity may increase the threat of food insecurity. Both of these are interrelated and may appear in a spiteful cycle but with different degrees. However sometimes food security is achieved in a particular area, but nutrition security will require more time and efforts to be set out. The book is a good documentation of all global issues regarding food and nutritional insecurity.

Nutritional Contents and Analysis of Edible Wild Plants

Edible wild plants are economical, important, and good sources for vitamins, fibers, minerals, and antioxidants. These plants have curing ability for multiple disorders like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, digestive and urinary tract disorders, inflammation, etc. The conventionally utilized edible wild plants also possessed antibacterial and anticancer activity which adds value to their nutraceutical worth. In developing countries dependence on wild nutraceutical plant is quite customary. Numerous studies have explored the nutritional and medicinal worth of edible wild plants and reported the health potential ingredients (minerals, organic acids, and dietary fibers) among these plants [19, 20]. The results of their studies supported the fact that these wild fruits and vegetables are potentially viable sources for maintenance of health. Microelements in edible wild plants are significant in curing and preventing of multiple diseases. A small proportion of available plant minerals plays an important role in the maintenance of human body metabolism [26]. It has been found that Asian edible wild plants are worthwhile sources of natural antioxidants because they contain high amounts of phenolic compounds [25, 26]. The Sageretia theezans fruit studies revealed its nutritional and nutraceutical value. Its fruit is not only found to be rich in potassium, malic acid, and oleic acid but also showed antioxidant and antidiabetic competencies due to significant flavonoid and phenolic content 


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